Jumat, 16 November 2012

Top 10 Instant Noodle

10.Koka Instant Non-Fried Noodles, Spicy Black Pepper Flavour — Singapore

This stuff is amazing; it contains a block of instant noodles that are exceedingly light and very low in fat. This doesn’t end up with low in taste though, especially with its garnish pack’s mention that the veggies vary depending on the season of production! It has a nice peppery taste and a little heat, but not overwhelmingly so. Perfect complement: Goes great with Eggs.

Doll Instant Noodle, Artificial Chicken Flavour — Hong Kong

Yeah I know – chicken instant noodles. How boring! Not this one – the broth is very good – it warms one’s innards on a cold day like nothing else. This is especially good with an egg or two added with about 45 seconds remaining as it cooks in the pot — making the broth even heartier. A very relaxing bowl of noodles. Perfect complement: Eggs added during cooking.

8.Sapporo Ichiban Shio Ramen, Japanese Style Noodles — Japan

This is a very recent addition to the Top Ten list. Having tried Shio instant noodle varieties in the past, I had a feeling this would be a good one, and it truly was. The noodles were very hearty and the broth had an almost buttery flavor. Comes with a little packet of sesame seeds! Perfect complement: Some baked chicken, green onions and hard boiled egg.

Nong Shim Shin Ramyun Black — Korea

Twenty years after the introduction of the well-known Shin Ramyun, Nong Shim brought out Shin Ramyun Black. A huge block of noodles, a veggie packet that also has freeze dried beef, red spicy seasoning, and onion and oxtail soup packets, make this a culinary onslaught of epic proportion. Perfect complement: Using a recipe from Eat Your Kimchi, add an egg, bok choy and a single slice of processed cheese.

Myojo Hyoubanya no Chukasoba Japanese Style Noodles, Oriental Flavor — Japan

A very good, very traditional instant noodle from Japan. Noodles are a little chewy and the broth has hints of seafood. Perfect complement: A couple of eggs cooked with the noodles, and a little baked chicken with salt and pepper.

Mie Sedaap Instant Kari Spesial Bumbu Kari Kental — Indonesia

Like spicy? Like curry? This one from Indonesia fills both criteria and then some. The noodles are good, but the real star here is the broth – a bit greasy and so flavorful. Not only a hot curry taste, but had sweetness as well.Perfect complement: Fried eggs.

4.Sapporo Ichiban, Japanese Style Noodles Chow Mein — Japan

This stuff is great. It’s cooked with a small amount of water as the noodles gobble it all up. The flavor is sweet and salty and purely enjoyable. What’s more is a packet of ground seaweed is included, which makes it all the more enjoyable. Perfect complement: A bit of roast beef and some chopped onions.

Nissin Yakisoba with Mayonnaise/Mustard Packet — Japan

Yakisoba is a very commonly enjoyed dish in Japan – and this variety puts a unique twist on it. You fill the box with boiling water and then afterwards, there’s a little drain spout to get rid of excess water. Add the flavoring and stir – then comes the fun as there’s a little packet that dispenses mayonnaise out of one reservoir and mustard out of the other! This is quite good – especially the vegetables. Perfect complement: Nothing — enjoy in its native state!

Indomie Mi Goreng Rasa Ayam Panggang Jumbo, Barbecue Chicken Flavour — Indonesia

First off, it’s a jumbo pack, which is helpful as this is such a great tasting package of instant noodles. Second, it comes with a whopping five seasonings – from sweet soy sauce to spicy chili sauce. The noodles are served drained without a broth. Perfect Complement: The flavorings in concert with a couple fried eggs, some pickled ginger and fried shallots make this one not to miss.

Indomie Special Quality, Special Fried Curly Noodles — Indonesia

Truly the best instant noodles I’ve ever had. I love these – the noodles are flat and very tasty. The seasonings provide a broad range of flavors. Spicy, sweet, full of good flavor. Perfect complement: Some turkey, fried eggs, pickled ginger, fried shallot and Sriracha.

9 Tanda Penyakit dari PENAMPAKAN KUKU

9 Tanda Penyakit
dari Penampakan Kuku

1. Kuku Pucat

Kuku berwarna pucat atau cenderung berwarna putih kadang-kadang terkait dengan penuaan. Tetatpi ada 4 penyakit serius yang mungkin saja ditandai dengan kuku berwarna pucat, ini misalnya: anemia, gagal jantung, pengidap penyakit hati atau juga gizi yang buruk.

Spoiler for penampakan Kuku Pucat
2. Kuku Putih

Jika kuku berwarna putih dengan ujung atas berwarna gelap mengindikasikan adanya masalah pada hati, seperti hepatitis.

Spoiler for penampakan Kuku Putih
3. Kuku Kuning

Salah satu penyebab paling umum kuku berwarna kuning adalah infeksi jamur. Semakin memburuknya infeksi bisa membuat kuku tidak tumbuh dengan sehat, menebal dan rapuh. Kuku kuning juga menunjukan kondisi yang lebih serius seperti penyakit tiroid parah, paru-paru, diabetes atau psoriasis.

Spoiler for penampakan Kuku Kuning
4. Kuku Kebiruan

Kuku dengan warna kebiruan menandakan tubuh tidak mendapatkan oksigen yang cukup. Ini mengindikasikan adanya infeksi di paru-paru seperti pneumonia. Jika hanya sedikit kebiruan di ujung bawah kuku bisa juga menandakan diabetes.

Spoiler for penampakan Kuku Kebiruan
5. Kuku Kasar

Jika permukaan kuku berkerut dan berbunyi jika diadu ini merupakan tanda awal dari psoriasis atau inflamasi arthritis. Perubahan warna kuku dapat terlihat merah kecokelatan.

Spoiler for penampakan Kuku Kasar
6. Kuku Retak

Kuku terlihat kering, rapuh dan sering retak telah lama dikaitkan dengan penyakit tiroid. Jika memberlah dan berwarna kuning ada kemungkinan ini karena infeksi jamur.

Spoiler for penampakan Kuku Retak
7. Kuku Bengkak

Jika kulit di sekitar kuku terlihat merah dan bengkak, ini dikenal sebagai peradangan yang menunjukan adanya penyakit lupus dan gangguan jaringan ikat.

Spoiler for penampakan Kuku Bengkak
8. Kuku Bergaris Hitam

Periksakan segera jika ada garis hitam di kuku Anda. Ini terkait dengan gejala melanoma atau yang dikenal dengan kanker kulit dari jenis yang paling berbahaya.

9. Menggigit Kuku

Menggigit kuku mungkin buat Anda hanyalah sebuah kebiasaan, padahal ini sangat mungkin menandakan kecemasan yang berlebihan dan membutuhkan pengobatan karena menderita gangguan obsesif-kompulsif. Jadi, jika Anda tidak bisa berhenti, ada baiknya berdiskusi dengan dokter Anda.

amazing world photo

Too Beautiful not to share - Enjoy!!!!
Description: Description: Description: http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/305281_2510752521819_1043306948_2743412_1464560430_n.jpg     
Capilano Suspension Bridge, Vancouver, British Columbia
Description: Description: Description: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/321181_2510754721874_1043306948_2743413_1840754226_n.jpg
Hubei, China
Description: Description: Description:
Santorini, Greece
Description: Description: Description: http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/383620_2510761962055_1043306948_2743419_1473808067_n.jpg
Description: Description: Description: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/376409_2510763562095_1043306948_2743420_1383056689_n.jpg
Benteng Chittorgarh, India
Description: Description: Description: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/315515_2510768922229_1043306948_2743422_281816172_n.jpg
Marble Caves, Chile
Description: Description:
 Description: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/317265_2510793562845_1043306948_2743460_326198273_n.jpg
Alesund, Norway
Description: Description: Description: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/312768_2510798482968_1043306948_2743472_277735271_n.jpg
Skaftafeli, Iceland (under side of a glacier)
Description: Description: Description: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/317221_2487799268002_1043306948_2734385_494577231_n.jpg
Palm Island, Dubai (first ever man-made island)
Description: Description: Description: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/378972_2487482100073_1043306948_2734320_1817453327_n.jpg
Fifa Stadium in Qatar
Description: Description: Description: http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/391596_2482981787568_1043306948_2731750_720454230_n.jpg
The Pearl Waterfall, Jiuzhaigou Valley, China
Description: Description: Description: http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/379076_2482964267130_1043306948_2731743_250777274_n.jpg
Mount Roraima, Venezuela
Description: Description: Description: http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/392005_2471319736024_1043306948_2725291_1974278810_n.jpg
Boracay Island, Philippines
Description: Description: Description: http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/316916_2470701040557_1043306948_2725114_944196809_n.jpg
The Moses Bridge, Netherlands
Description: Description: Description: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/382093_2468530186287_1043306948_2724081_1449315313_n.jpg
Jordan, Petra
Description: Description: Description: http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/295861_2410110325827_1043306948_2693517_1777840165_n.jpg
Description: Description:
 Description: http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/388285_2534270869763_1043306948_2753941_1172012750_n.jpg
Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia
Description: Description: Description: http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/383149_2534722001041_1043306948_2754122_1423444744_n.jpg
Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia
Description: Description: Description: http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/383780_2534798082943_1043306948_2754141_1110274760_n.jpg
Poseidon Undersea Resort, Fiji ($15,000 a week stay)
Description: Description: Description: http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/389474_2550013863328_1043306948_2758666_1761933055_n.jpg
Ubud Hanging Gardens, Bali, Indonesia
Description: Description: Description:
Monticello Dam, Napa County, California
Description: Description: Description: http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/387981_2571968052169_1043306948_2767494_1188955857_n.jpg
Gipslend Lake, Australia (chemical reaction called bioluminescence turns the water fluorescent blue)
Description: Description: Description: http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/376987_2572073494805_1043306948_2767521_1291612440_n.jpg
Sameba Cathedral, Georgia, Tbilisi
Description: Description: Description:
Songjiang Hotel, China
Description: Description:
 Description: http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/390492_2585525551098_1043306948_2772108_975259019_n.jpg
Tianmen Mountain, Chunan Province, China
Description: Description: Description: http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/380959_2586515455845_1043306948_2772217_1958447918_n.jpg
Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Description: Description: Description: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/388175_2586531576248_1043306948_2772227_1956566749_n.jpg
Meteora, Greece

[FunMag.org] Funny Video Of Stupid Grandma



Energi Positif untuk Mengusir Segala Macam Penyakit

Jika kita MARAH selama 5 menit saja, maka sistem imunitas (kekebalan) tubuh kita akan depresi selama 6 jam

Dan jika kita DENDAM, menyimpan kepahitan, maka imunitas tubuh kita akan mudah mati. Lalu dari situlah bermula segala awal penyakit, STRESS, kolesterol tinggi, Jantung, Rheumatik, arthritis, Sroke / pendarahan / penyumbatan pembuluh darah

Kemudian jika kita sering membiarkan pikiran kita STRESS, maka kita pun akan sering mengalami GANGGUAN PENCERNAAN

Perasaan KHAWATIR berlebihan pun bisa mengakibatkan kita NYERI PUNGGUNG

Jika mudah TERSINGGUNG, maka kita akan cenderung terkena penyakin INSOMNIA (susah tidur)

Jika sering mengalami KEBINGUNGAN, maka besar kemungkinan mudah terkena GANGGUAN TULANG BELAKANG BAGIAN BAWAH

Jika sering membiarkan diri kita merasa TAKUT BERLEBIHAN, maka kita akan mudah terkena sakit ginjal

Jika suka suudzon, NEGATIVE THINKING, maka kita akan mudah terkena DYSPEPSIA (penyakit sulit mencerna)

Jika mudah EMOSI dan cenderung PEMARAH, maka kita bisa rentang terhadap penyakit HEPATITIS.

Jika kita sering APATIS (tidak pernah perduli) terhadap lingkungan, maka kita berpotensi mengalami PENURUNAN KEKEBALAN TUBUH

Jika sering TERLALU MENGANGGAP SEPELE semua persoalan, maka hal ini bisa mengakibatkan penyakit DIABETES

Jika kita sering KESEPIAN, maka kita bisa terkena penyakit DEMENSIA SENELIS (memori dan kontrol fungsi tubuh berkurang)

Jika sering bersedih dan merasa terlalu RENDAH DIRI, maka kita bisa terkena penyakit Leukimia (Kanker Darah Putih)

Mari kita bersyukur atas segala perkara yang telah terjadi, karena dengan bersyukur, maka hati ini menjadi GEMBIRA dan menimbulkan energi POSITIF dalam tubuh kita untuk mengusir segala penyakit-penyakit tersebut diatas

3D pictures.. WOW!

360 Degree images. Click on each picture

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